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A Leader in IRS Form 2290 Tax Filings

Pricing Options

Fast2290 pricing is setup to accomodate any size fleet or filing frequency. Payment is required only after you complete your data input, and before you file or print your return.

Each of the following options applies to a single business entity for the current tax year:

Service Description   Price
Small Fleet (1 to 24 vehicles)   $39.99
Medium Fleet (25 to 100 vehicles)   $79.99
Large Fleet (101 to 250 vehicles)   $129.99
Enterprise Fleet (more than 251 vehicles)   $179.99

A filing is defined by the IRS as a single 2290 submission. Because each month requires a seperate filing, it is possible to have 12 single submissions during a tax year.

It is possible to file your 2290 taxes for free by downloading the forms from the IRS and following the printed instructions. Once complete, you may either mail your filing or visit one of the IRS offices to complete your filing. This process can take several weeks to complete. Additionally, if you have over 25 vehicles, the IRS has determined that you must file electornically.